Radierer & Front revival edition

This post is just to tell you this will go on... At the moment I can't tell you more than that you will find interesting music mostly from the 80ies here!
Here are the 7" EPs from Front and Die Radierer .
Front 7"
Die Radierer - Angriff auf's Schlaraffenland
Labels: German stuff, New Wave + Indie
front ist doch was worauf man sich freuen kann
Posted by
Anonym |
Sonntag, 19. November 2006 um 12:22:00 MEZ
great! if you have more from that..
Posted by
musicmatic |
Sonntag, 19. November 2006 um 12:50:00 MEZ
...of that ;)
schade, poor quality..
Wenn ich es richtig sehe, gab's von Front niemals n Longplayer oder cd-reissues..
Posted by
musicmatic |
Sonntag, 19. November 2006 um 17:34:00 MEZ
Slow food, slow drinking, slow posting.
Die Wiederentdeckung der Langsamkeit!
Posted by
Anonym |
Montag, 20. November 2006 um 16:34:00 MEZ
didn'T know that Brotbeutel posted the same single the same day.
poor quality of the mp3 or just your mistake?
Posted by
Jörg |
Mittwoch, 22. November 2006 um 05:04:00 MEZ