This record was released in 1984, but I don't think anybody noticed this. Die Zimmermänner were a band including amongst others Timo Blunck (of Palais Schaumburg fame) and Detlef Diederichsen (brother and co-worker of famous DD Diedrich Diederichsen, first in german SOUNDS (deceased 01/83) and later SPEX, now a crazy professor.
Their first release was a single (posted above on this blog) on Zick Zack in Aug. 1980 as ZZ 7
"Eva, Jürgen + Max b/w Klein + doof, So froh". Jolly Ska sounds, very easy to the ear, great music!
The next release was the 7" "Ein halbes Jahr b/w Kultur" ZZ 36 early in 81 that looked like an old Hippie band but sounded great (posted
above on this blog).
In 1982 they released their first LP "1001 Wege Sex zu machen ohne daran Spaß zu haben" ZZ 1001, unfortunately I don't have it but
Dorfdisco Braunsfeld has it. The fantastic single "Erwin, das tanzende Messer" ZZ 40 was a small hit in the upcoming hype for NDW, only have it on tape, but it was a great song!
One of their finest was "Anja", a perfect POP single they released in 1983 as ZZ 44, and then came "Goethe"!
The No. 1 german poet as a namesake for a pop LP!
But they did it, wonderful conversations on love, leaving and being lost.
I found this LP in 87 in a bargain bin, having almost forgotten about them. But once I put this one on the player, it became one of my favorite LPs of all times! This is very delicate POP music, not much to do with the other stuff that was released on the demise of NDW.
01 Liebe ist wie eine heisse Kartoffel
02 Schlecht, aber keiner von uns: Jesaja
03 Zwei mutige Wunder
04 Mein Ein, mein Alles
05 Die allerhellste Nacht
06 Zieh' zu ihr!
07 Nöte des kleinen Mannes
08 Ein Liebeslied
09 Glück und Schmerz hoch drei
10 Der Winterschlaf ist vorbei
11 Sie ist nicht die richtige für dich
12 Deine Monate
Die Zimmermänner - Goethe 1984Hallo, allerseits!
da habe ich die Lieder gerade ins Netz gestellt, da brummt es hier...
Liegt das an mir, an der Musik oder daran, dass gerade Fussball-WM in Deutschland ist?
PS Anyway viel spass mit der Musik!
Labels: German stuff, New Wave + Indie